Cosmetic Bonding

beforebonding copyafterbonding copyComposite bonding is a tooth colored resin that is sculpted directly onto the tooth and can usually be completed in one visit. The bonding sequence involves etching of the enamel surface, application of an adhesive, and the sequential addition of the bonding resin which is applied in layers to simulate natural enamel. It is often used to repair small chips, fill spaces between teeth or at times used to make improvements for several teeth. Composite resins, if handled correctly, can reproduce the natural characteristics of a tooth. If layered correctly, composite resin restorations can mimic not only the shade of a tooth, but also the translucency and the opalescence of natural enamel.  With proper care, bonded restorations can last anywhere from 2-10 years, but may require more repairs than porcelain restorations.

Check out Dr. Norling’s cosmetic bonding photo gallery here!